Sunset Lake Software - Comments for "Record video with data overlay information" Comments for "Record video with data overlay information" en I'm not going to write your <p>I'm not going to write your project for you, but I can say that you might look at how I set up my GPUImageHistogramGenerator to see how you might create a realtime plot using OpenGL ES and then overlay that on incoming video (as I do in the histogram example in the FilterShowcase). With some modifications, this could be made to do simple line plotting of incoming accelerometer data.</p> <p>You could also look at using Core Plot to graph this, and then import that as a UI element, but your rendering performance will most likely suffer because of all of the Quartz drawing involved.</p> pubDate Mon, 26 Nov 2012 15:41:04 +0000 dc:creator Brad Larson guid false comment 1699 at