Sunset Lake Software - Comments for "Playing a filtered video at normal speed" Comments for "Playing a filtered video at normal speed" en Hi Brad, How complex to <p>Hi Brad,</p> <p>How complex to implement the "movie playback with filters without saving to disk" function in your framework? Any directions on doing this?</p> pubDate Wed, 10 Oct 2012 04:01:12 +0000 dc:creator Flow guid false comment 1604 at No, if you look at what the <p>No, if you look at what the GPUImageUIElement input does, it has to rasterize the UI elements via Core Graphics for each frame, which is a very slow process. It also won't work with an AVPlayer, since an AVPlayer can't be captured in that manner.</p> <p>Some sort of frame timing on the movie input side will be required in order for playback to occur at the correct speed.</p> pubDate Thu, 19 Jul 2012 03:49:54 +0000 dc:creator Brad Larson guid false comment 1514 at Hi, I have exactly the same <p>Hi,<br /> I have exactly the same need, and I also need to play sound.<br /> I'm not sure that a good sync can be handled by some sleep in a loop.<br /> I've just see that you have created a GPUImageUIElement source class that can be initialized from a CALayer. Do you think that using a AVPlayer, (which is supposed to be sync with actual video frame rate and keeping sync with sound) and the GPUImageUIElement class, is this a way to get this feature?</p> <p>Actually, I just started objective C 3 days ago and got my first mac OS 1 week ago, so I can give a hand with some directives, but like this, I confess I'm a little bit lost.</p> pubDate Wed, 18 Jul 2012 22:19:52 +0000 dc:creator fcasado guid false comment 1513 at Cool, thanks. I'll give it a <p>Cool, thanks. I'll give it a try.</p> pubDate Fri, 13 Jul 2012 19:58:45 +0000 dc:creator dimi2012 guid false comment 1496 at Not right now. The movie <p>Not right now. The movie playback support is very crude, and doesn't respect the framerate of the original movie. The movie reader would need to have some logic added to delay each frame to match their frame times, but nothing like that is in there.</p> <p>You're welcome to help add it in, if you'd like. I honestly haven't spent much time with the movie handling code.</p> pubDate Wed, 11 Jul 2012 03:49:08 +0000 dc:creator Brad Larson guid false comment 1495 at