Sunset Lake Software - Comments for "Applying a GPUImageFilter using UISlider for intensity" Comments for "Applying a GPUImageFilter using UISlider for intensity" en Perfect! works great now! <p>Perfect! works great now! Thank you so much sir.</p> pubDate Fri, 06 Jul 2012 05:19:52 +0000 dc:creator SageWashabaugh guid false comment 1487 at You are passing in the source <p>You are passing in the source image that was previously sharpened. </p> <p>sharpenImageSource = [[GPUImagePicture alloc] initWithImage:[image_view image]];</p> <p>sets the source from you image_view then down below you set the image_view to be the output of your sharpen. So no matter what you do it is going to sharpen again and again.</p> <p>Try to keep the original image around and pass that in then set it on the image_view just like you do now.</p> <p>UIImage * origImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"Test.jpg"];<br /> sharpenImageSource = [[GPUImagePicture alloc] initWithImage:origImage];</p> pubDate Thu, 05 Jul 2012 19:37:45 +0000 dc:creator vipersnake guid false comment 1486 at Sorry I'm still having some <p>Sorry I'm still having some trouble with that. Basically I want to do it like this:<br /> sharpenImageSource = [[GPUImagePicture alloc] initWithImage:[image_view image]];<br /> SharpenGPUFilter = [[GPUImageSharpenFilter alloc] init];<br /> [SharpenGPUFilter setSharpness:[mySlider value]];<br /> [sharpenImageSource addTarget:SharpenGPUFilter];<br /> [sharpenImageSource processImage];<br /> UIImage* outputImage = [SharpenGPUFilter imageFromCurrentlyProcessedOutput];<br /> [image_view setImage:outputImage];</p> <p>but the problem is when i slide the UISlider forward it works great but if I try to make it go backwards to reverse the effect it just makes it stronger</p> pubDate Thu, 05 Jul 2012 19:02:50 +0000 dc:creator SageWashabaugh guid false comment 1484 at Sorry I'm still having some <p>Sorry I'm still having some trouble with that. Basically I want to do it like this:<br /> sharpenImageSource = [[GPUImagePicture alloc] initWithImage:[image_view image]];<br /> SharpenGPUFilter = [[GPUImageSharpenFilter alloc] init];<br /> [SharpenGPUFilter setSharpness:[mySlider value]];<br /> [sharpenImageSource addTarget:SharpenGPUFilter];<br /> [sharpenImageSource processImage];<br /> UIImage* outputImage = [SharpenGPUFilter imageFromCurrentlyProcessedOutput];<br /> [image_view setImage:outputImage];</p> <p>but the problem is when i slide the UISlider forward it works great but if I try to make it go backwards to reverse the effect it just makes it stronger</p> pubDate Thu, 05 Jul 2012 17:50:42 +0000 dc:creator SageWashabaugh guid false comment 1483 at What are you having problems <p>What are you having problems with? The FilterShowcase example shows how to do this exact thing with a sepia tone filter and a slider, so you should just be able to duplicate what I do there. If you're doing this with a still image source, remember that you're going to need to send a -processImage message to the still image every time you adjust the filter chain in order for the image to be processed with the updated settings.</p> pubDate Thu, 05 Jul 2012 01:14:08 +0000 dc:creator Brad Larson guid false comment 1480 at