Sunset Lake Software - Comments for "Slow Processing on Large Images" Comments for "Slow Processing on Large Images" en I was worried about <p>I was worried about this....</p> <p>When developing it is so much easier to not worry about speed and optimize later. Especially when coming up with a whole new algorithm or porting another CPU algorithm to the GPU.</p> <p>I already work with raw data and pass that so making stripes is not too difficult. The only issues is that the more stripes you go the more overlap you have to worry about on certain algorithms (blur, unsharp mask, etc). So there is inherently a slow down (although should be mostly minimal)</p> <p>Thanks Brad!</p> pubDate Thu, 05 Jul 2012 19:33:39 +0000 dc:creator vipersnake guid false comment 1485 at Unfortunately, I asked the <p>Unfortunately, I asked the engineers at Apple the same thing, and they said that there is no way to avoid this. If a single frame takes longer than a set amount of time, the OpenGL ES watchdog timer they use will kill it so that it doesn't monopolize the GPU and prevent the UI from rendering.</p> <p>The only way to avoid this is to write a less computationally expensive shader or to split the image into a series of smaller tiles and process those separately. The latter is an approach I've been exploring for enabling processing of larger frames on older devices with smaller max texture sizes, but it might take me a while to have something like that operational.</p> pubDate Thu, 05 Jul 2012 01:10:46 +0000 dc:creator Brad Larson guid false comment 1479 at