Sunset Lake Software - Comments for "Image Size" Comments for "Image Size" en Yes, the maximum texture size <p>Yes, the maximum texture size on all devices before the iPad 2 is 2048x2048. Unfortunately, the iPhone 4 is the one device that generates images larger than this in its still photos, so I detect this and scale them to fit within the texture size.</p> <p>I've been planning to implement a tiling mechanism to allow for processing arbitrarily-sized images, but haven't had the time to do this. It's not going to be a simple process, and will require slicing the image at the input source size, running through these tiles, and then assembling the image at the end. There's nothing at the shader side involved here, as this is simply a matter of the maximum hardware texture size.</p> pubDate Sun, 17 Jun 2012 00:22:53 +0000 dc:creator Brad Larson guid false comment 1452 at