Sunset Lake Software - Comments for "Molecules for iPhone and iPod Touch" Comments for "Molecules for iPhone and iPod Touch" en This was a neat little app <p>This was a neat little app when it came out. I spent alot of time just playing with it and even directed my friends to it. Just saying thanks :)</p> pubDate Mon, 22 Mar 2010 19:52:00 +0000 dc:creator Janene Dalton guid false comment 675 at Wow molecules in my iPhone, I <p>Wow molecules in my iPhone, I have dreamt about it for a very long time, but I thought it would never happen. You just can't imagine how thankful I am to you. And it is absolutely free. You have done a great job. Biology will not die because of such guys as you. Thanks one more time, I am going to try this app right now.</p> <p>Sincerely,</p> <p>Rick Kitson from iphone application development</p> pubDate Tue, 13 Oct 2009 22:08:00 +0000 dc:creator RickK guid false comment 511 at In case you might not have <p>In case you might not have noticed, the <a href="" rel="nofollow">source code to Molecules is available</a> and under the BSD-license, so you're free to integrate it within your own application if you so desire. I will be cleaning up the codebase soon, now that Pi Cubed is finished and awaiting review, so that should also help with integration.</p> <p>In addition, Molecules registers itself for the molecules:// URL scheme, so if the user has Molecules installed and you send the system a molecules://[PDB file location], it will open Molecules and download and render the file.</p> pubDate Wed, 08 Apr 2009 14:21:51 +0000 dc:creator Brad Larson guid false comment 239 at I have a non official pet <p>I have a non official pet project delivering chemical name searches to iPhone via webservices. Some of these webservices deliver 3d Molfiles. There may also be webservice access to pdb type structures and if not we could make something. I'm really interested in hooking up to your viewer. It could be advantageous in both directions.</p> pubDate Wed, 08 Apr 2009 09:36:01 +0000 dc:creator James jack guid false comment 236 at From the look of the screen <p>From the look of the screen shots they show, this is going to be one very useful and great iPhone/iPod Touch app!</p> pubDate Sun, 16 Nov 2008 18:24:00 +0000 dc:creator Автогрейдер guid false comment 87 at I intend for this application <p>I intend for this application to be useful as a scientific and educational tool. DNA may act as a blueprint for living organisms, but proteins are the molecules that actually do stuff. The shape of a protein is what determines its function, and therefore the ability to view its molecular structure helps you to understand why it works the way it does. Researchers work long and hard to determine these structures, but they also need a means of analyzing them and presenting them to colleagues.</p> <p>As far as the educational applications go, I've <a href="" rel="nofollow">written an article</a> which describes some of Molecules' potential there. When I add in other chemical databases as sources of molecular structures, I hope that this will be of use to even high school and college students taking chemistry courses. With the source code <a href="" rel="nofollow">now available</a>, this program is also a good educational example of how to build a 3-D application for the iPhone.</p> pubDate Wed, 05 Nov 2008 18:55:56 +0000 dc:creator Brad Larson guid false comment 78 at I think I need some more <p>I think I need some more information about this, it's not yet clear for me what's the exact applicability of the Molecules... is it for fun or for educational purposes? Either way I find it impressive, ipods keep going further and further always coming with something new, I am already looking forward to see what comes next.<br /> Garry, at Apple Ipods</p> pubDate Mon, 03 Nov 2008 20:34:00 +0000 dc:creator garry guid false comment 72 at